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Harvest Hits Stride in Louisiana

behalf of; USA Rice <>By Kane Webb LAKE CHARLES, LA -- Louisiana's rice harvest is gaining momentum following rains that swept across the southern part of the state as a result of Hurricane Hanna's pass through the Gulf Coast region last...

The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Brought to you by USA Rice  USMCA Enters Into Force, NAFTA Nixed   By Peter Bachmann WASHINGTON, D.C. - The modernized North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) replacement, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) officially enters into force today. The NAFTA...

Top 7 Benefits Of Local Sourcing

original post Consumer landscapes are continuing to change while businesses are adjusting for the new normal. Manufacturers and industrial companies across the world are working hard to maintain and strengthen...

USDA updates Ag Transportation Open Data Platform

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) on June 1 notified the NGFA that it has released an upgraded version of its free Agricultural Transportation Open Data Platform, which enables users to access and customize rail, truck,...

COVID-19 E-commerce boom, How we can help!

These days, most of us are at home practicing the “shelter in place” measure due the COVID-19 outbreak.  Many of us are also electing the convenient option of online shopping, and this is changing how stores and distribution centers operate. So how can you capitalize...


The COVID-19 Pandemic is causing a lot of worry and frustration for customers needing products NOW! There is a great strain on manpower causing uncertainty in manufacturing facilities and in the shipping industry. In many cases around the world, entire countries are...

Happy Friday News: Louisiana Crop Gets Going

Louisiana Crop Gets Going   By Kane Webb LAKE CHARLES, LA -- While things have slowed down across the country because of COVID-19, the last week and a half was busy for rice farmers in southwest Louisiana.  Planting is underway, and moving quickly according to Dr....

Packaging Machinery Market to Grow

CLICK TO BROWSE OUR SELECTION OF PACKAGING MACHINERY Packaging Machinery Market to Grow 4.5% Annually Through 2023 [Report] brought to you by, Mike Hockett A new market research report is forecasting healthy annual growth for the global packaging...

A taste of home in Washington D.C.

JohnPac is lucky to be apart of the rich heritage and carnival season that is Mardi Gras.  Our headquarters are firmly set in Crowley Louisiana near the heart of Cajun Country.  We are glad to hear news about celebrating Mardi Gras all over. The annual Mardi Gras...

Lupine in Feed? An Untapped Protein Resource

Sweet lupines, that look similar to road side Bluebonnets, could be a rich source of protein.  Their seeds are classified as a legume. The legume category boasts peanuts and soybeans as part of this protein rich family of crops. This is a plant pet food markets are...

Reporting for Combustible Dust (FIBC NEWS)

brought to you by AFIA.ORGEnvironmental Reporting: EPCRA Tier II Reporting for Combustible DustThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2017 changed the Tier II reporting requirements and format under the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act...

Protect your grains with bug prevention bags

Bugs equal LossIt is no secret that bugs are the sworn enemy of grain storage. Warehousing your bagged grain product for months without insect protection is gambling with your profits. Bugs can eat through the most resilient materials, even foil or plastic lined...

Reasons to Make Us Your Trusted Vendor

In the world of supply chain, there are two avenues of vendor strategy.  One strategy is that you can work with a lot of different vendors.  The appeal to sourcing from a lot of different vendors can be supply assurance. The meaning is that you have a plan B or plan C...

Fortified Rice Now Used in 25 Countries

Fortified Rice Now Used in 25 Countries   By Sarah Moran WASHINGTON, DC -- The 2019 fiscal year (that ended on September 30) was a stellar year for rice in food aid, with coverage expanding to 25 countries.  U.S. rice is also being used in all major U.S. government...

Consider Our BOPP Bags For Pet Food And Pet Litter

Article Credit: Tony Uphoff Nov 11, 2019 67% of U.S. households own at least one pet, says the American Pet Products Association and that figure is growing annually. Considering pet owners spend an average of $1200 a year on their furry friends, it’s no surprise the...


Ready to grow your business outside of the U.S.?  Exporting can be lucrative but also risky. Check out this HOW TO GUIDE for navigating the water of international business. (Blog provided by and author Kristin Manganello.) The global export market...


Starting Rice Farming Education Early in LouisianaUSA RiceBy Kane WebbKAPLAN, LOUISIANA - Last week, Julie and Christian Richard opened their farm and shop to host the first-grade class from the St. Michael School of Crowley, Louisiana. Class and family member Saul...


Marketing and BrandingIndustrial packaging can be used for more than transporting your product. You should consider printing your logo on your packaging to grab the attention of your target market. Think of your packaging as a mobile billboard. Everyone...