Meeting Your Packing Needs, One Solution at a Time.

At JohnPac, we have tons of knowledge and expertise for the variations of products and services we offer. We would like to introduce James Cannon who is an expert in paper bag products. He represents many of our customers in the south and southeast region of the United States. James brings valuable knowledge you can benefit from, saving you time and money on common and costly errors.

Below are some frequently asked questions and answers that will start you on the right foot to acquire your next paper bag product.

Interviewer: What are the most common variations of paper bags you get requests for?

James: I get a lot of requests for pasted valve bags, sewn bags, pinch bottom bags, and baler bags.


Interviewer: What are typical types of products that go into a paper bag?  

James: Paper bags are used for calcium carbonate, cement mix, mortar mix, animal feed, and resins to name a few.


Interviewer: What have been some problems or product failures of a paper bag?

James: One common bag failure can be not enough glue holding the bag together. This will cause the bag to open and split while you are filling. Another problem we come across is storing bags in the warehouse if they are exposed to sunlight or damp conditions. This can cause a bag to lose paper strength and integrity. Perforations are very common and important while filling a bag because the bag must breath while you are filling. If you do not have adequate perforations, a bag will not fill to the proper weight or will take a long time to fill.


Interviewer: Can you tell me a story about a product failure you had to deal with? How did you fix the issue and make the customer happy?

James: We had a customer which changed from an impeller (screw) packer to an air packer. We advised the customer they would need to add perforations to the bag since it was going to be filled with air. They did not want to change, but once they received their first order, they knew they had to change. They were upset they did not take our advice earlier.


Interviewer: What are some things you wish the customer knew about paper bags that would make your customer relationships more successful.

James: Many people call and say I need a bag that will hold 50lbs. We normally have to explain a 50lb. bag will vary in size depending on what will be going into the bag such as feed, gravel, sand or calcium carbonate. These products have a different weights per cubic foot and take different styles of bags and different sizes. Also, we need to know if the bags will be warehoused inside or outside which will determine what type of bag you will need.

Have more questions you would like to ask James in regards to paper bags?  Call and request James at (866) 916-2247. You can also complete the Contact Us or Request a Quote form to ask your questions at We look forward to assisting you.